Congratulations to Jim Craig! At the recent annual meeting of the Iowa Defense Counsel Association, Jim Craig was awarded the Edward F. Seitzinger award as the outstanding Board Member for the IDCA. Jim served on the IDCA Board of Directors from 2009 through September 2015. During those years he served as a Board member, Secretary, President-Elect and President of the Board of Directors. Jim was responsible for planning the 2013 IDCA annual meeting and its 50th anniversary celebration and annual meeting in 2014. During Jim’s term in leadership, the Iowa Defense Counsel Association adopted a new sponsorship program for vendors, organized and held a number of district socials involving judges from around the state and providing members additional value for their membership, led a task force to promote IDCA members to fill judicial openings, added a young lawyer member to the Board of Directors and started a young lawyers committee. LWC congratulates Jim on his many accomplishments and his successful service to the Iowa Defense Counsel Association.